Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Spring Party

Our Spring party was so much fun!! We painted flower pots and planted veggies and flowers. The kids got really creative with their pots and they all turned out so great! We played Spring bingo and got goodies, had yummy fruit skewers for snack and did a toy exchange. The kids had a blast!!

Our Day at Rutledge Wilson Farm

Several homeschool families got together for a great day at the farm. We attended a great class on how chickens mature from eggs to hens and how calves grow into milk making machines! It was really fun and us mommas learned a thing or two as well.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Starting Nature Studies

We are getting ready to start Nature Study as part of our My Father's World Charolette Mason based curriculum. I am looking for ideas and books to get us started. If you know of any, please share!